Friday, January 11, 2008

Hazey Jane

Music Nazi recommends anything by Nick Drake. Only 3 albums in his lifetime, which seems desperately cruel. So, buy them. All.
Five Leaves Left. The first, minimal arrangement. Beautiful.

Bryter Layter. Contains Hazey Jane II, my own personal favourite. Possibly over arranged, but outstanding production values.

Pink Moon. Bleak, understated, tragic. Own it.


cherrypicker said...

I urge you to simply desist from pushing your music taste, which I think can be best described as 'flannel'on your poor readers. Such flannel is best listened to alone I suggest preferably in the middle of a field in a force 8 gale to ensure that any 'flannel' leakage is not able to pollute the innocent auditory canals of the general public. I'm also going to politely suggest that the UN security council meets in session to see if there are any grounds for incarcarating your 'flannel' for auditory genecide and suggest that it is best made to stand at the internation war crimes tribunial in the Hague. I'm just off out to burn an effigy middle eastern style of your 'flannel' and suggest that myself and other avid readers of your tome for a lynch mob and hunt your 'flannel' down and stone it to death. Be gone devil child and done darken my cranial nerves again!!

Alex Stoker said...

Hmmm... thanks Cherry. I had composed an erudite, witty retort, but since I know, and love you so well, will simply settle for: "Up yours!"

cherrypicker said...

Is steve mcqeen still dangling 'steven and the twins' over your sofa!!? If so and you're on your sofa now, go on kneel up and give them a kiss!