Whatever your position on drugs - draconian, liberal or ambivalent - it's always worth considering just what the final price for a quick rush might be.
For the non-medical of you who have stumbled into this page, these are CT scans of a brain. The grey stuff is brain, but the white cauliflower-y thing on the left of the image is blood. And plenty of it. And not where it should be. In fact these images graphically demonstrate number 2 in my list of "Places where you don't want your blood to be"
(Number one is 'all over the floor', but I am willing to reconsider the ranking, if anyone feels they have a contender)
Good heavens, that's bad. I thought the meth crisis among the young population was pretty bad, but lately I'm seeing an awful lot of serious geriatric prescription drug abuse--so much so that I'm having to teach the bewildered rookies about substance abuse issues.
Rubbish, isn't it. A great shame that drugs are so much fun for people, and then fuck you up all of a sudden.
You pays your maney, I s'pose...
So how much are we talking?
You wrote "It's amazing what a little speed can do for you..."
I'm just curious if this was a heavy user or "recreational" or if the person's brain just went *pop* or...
I'm going to assume something that bad would have to come about with some fairly significant usage but you never know. Stranger things have happened.
I think it really was just a little. Stories differ as to whether he was a heavy or a light user. But most amphetamines are idiosyncratic in that any time one uses them, first or last, something might go pop. Or squish. Or whatever...
and now another drain on the hospital by a charity patient who caused their own problems
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