Saturday, July 25, 2009

Dude, Where Are All My Friends?

In celebration of the Friday Night Drunk...

You, who called an ambulance because you went out drinking and were sick...
You, who wanted an ambulance to take you home again, because you'd spent "all your money" on drink...
You, who'd "hardly had anything", but were slurring your words so badly I couldn't understand you...
Who banged your head on a door, and cried when I took the plaster off...
Who lasted an hour in the bar before shitting yourself...
Who showed no shame in waking up in netty-knickers and a massive nappy...

I salute you all. Your good sense, self awareness and sense of accountability is a credit to us all.

Roll on Saturday

1 comment:

David said...

Brilliant - just brilliant!

Best wishes - David